The Encourage Project with Amy A. Fairchild

068 | Stress Resilience ft. Dr. Crystal Frazee

Episode Summary

Stressed out? Who hasn’t been?! Stress seems to be an accepted penalty for the pursuit of anything worthwhile. But what if you could learn to identify the distinct types of stress – and how to respond to it in a way that works for YOU? Join me and Dr. Crystal Frazee as we explore how conditioning and role models set us up for unbearable stress and how getting back in tune with our bodies is the key to stress resilience. Listen in and let us know what resonates!

Episode Notes

Stressed out? Who hasn’t been?! Stress seems to be an accepted penalty for the pursuit of anything worthwhile. But what if you could learn to identify the distinct types of stress – and how to respond to it in a way that works for YOU? Join me and Dr. Crystal Frazee as we explore how conditioning and role models set us up for unbearable stress and how getting back in tune with our bodies is the key to stress resilience. Listen in and let us know what resonates!

Dr. Crystal Frazee is a sought-after expert in women’s integrative health and a master coach specializing in helping women beat burnout. She’s spent the past 16 years combining her experience as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, a board-certified health and wellness coach, and internationally recognized yoga therapist to create the Somatic Attunement Method™. Crystal lives in West Michigan with her creative husband and two feisty little girls, loves to read non-fiction, sips tea all day, and feels the most alive when working on her business or being in nature.

In this episode:




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Continue the conversation with Amy and The Encourage Project community!

Special thanks to my new producer Nick Galieti – and the band Suite 25 (check them out on Spotify)!